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What is the best diet?

What is the best diet in the world?  It depends . . . .  

Ayurveda teaches that there are different body-types with different digestive systems, and that our diet needs to be based on what will support good digestion; not what necessarily has worked for someone else. Most authors of "new" diets are just advocating what worked for them personally.  Ayurvedic diets on the other hand have existed for thousands of years, and are  well accepted by individuals since the recommend foods are generally the foods they prefer and the not recommended foods are generally the foods they don't like anyway!

 In all cases, digestion will improve by following your appropriate diet, thus nutritional absorption will improve and thus overall health will improve.  with a diet that answers the call of your own body, like magic many typical health conditions of each body-type fade away. This is because the correct diet corrects the deep imbalance which was the cause of all the various health conditions!

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