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Lose weight naturally without having to follow a difficult diet!

Clearly excessive subcutaneous body fat and visceral fat has been established as a major risk factor for diabetes, insulin resistance, chronic inflammation, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and some cancers in both men and women.*

After 20 years and thousands of patients,  I've designed an individualized weight-loss approach that effectively allows people to steadily lose weight in a healthy way without starvation, great difficulty, being overly stimulated or nutritionally deficient.  The focus of the  program  is based on the CAUSES for YOUR weight gain. There are many causes to weight gain including liver congestion, colon congestion, nutritional deficiencies,  emotional eating, weak digestion, hormonal imbalances such as menopause or low thyroid function, high stress, poor eating habits, poor food combining and more.  

A thorough assessment will be conducted to identify ALL the causes of weight gain and prioritized necessary treatments or steps in your individualized weight-loss program.

My many testimonials of patients who have lost weight continuously while on this program speaks for itself as for its effectiveness.  I strongly believe that only an individualized approach based on the actual causes for weight gain will be successful long-term.  "Packaged" programs and those that just address reducing the diet such as eliminating specific foods, detoxing, fasting or exercising are limited and possibly ineffective for many people.

". . .I have lost about 20kgs of extra weight, thanks to him of-course and also to the herbs that he gave to me." Kareem Mohamed, Dubai, UAE.

". . . I have lost twenty eight pounds." Jeff Hoffman, Oak View, CA.

"I've lost 7 pounds that have really stayed off . . . . Thank you!" Julie Christensen, Ojai, CA

The main components of the approach are:

An individualized diet

I provide individualized meal planning based on your specific body-type and digestive system that is simple and easy to follow.  Instead of radical food restrictions, I promote strong digestion and good absorption of nutrients so less food and "carbs" are needed.   In fact, my approach is not a "diet" but a way of eating to maintain a healthy body weight.  In Ayurveda it is what you eat is more important than how much you eat!

There is no "one-size-fits-all" diet!

Improving digestion

One of the leading causes of obesity is improper digestion of foods.  

Optimizing digestion is a crucial factor in any weight loss program.  In Ayurveda, digestion is enhanced with the right combination of carminative herbs and spices to stimulate digestive stomach acids, digestive enzymes and bile without having to take digestive enzymes.

Poor digestion causes weight gain particularly in the abdominal area.

Overcoming nutritional deficiencies

Adding whole-food supplements (not synthetic vitamins and minerals) and superfoods will provide a rich source of easily absorbable vitamins and minerals which will cut down on cravings and improve energy levels.  Unless one's diet is nutritionally adequate, one will continue to crave and reach for foods that are often unhealthy choices. 

Everyone has nutritional deficiencies to some degree.


I provide customized green vitamin/mineral formulas based on spirulina, chlorella, barley grass, beet root, spinach, kelp and herbs that can be taken daily to supply a wide range of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and trace minerals while improving fat metabolism and energy levels.  Recommendations for other health enhancing superfoods like bee pollen are also be recommended as needed.

Herbal medicine remedies

Herbal formulas are very effective to help curb the appetite, boost metabolism and stimulate fat metabolism.  

Specific herbs that stimulate low metabolism and improve circulation may also be provided.  Reducing herbs (those that scrap and reduce excess adipose tissue are combined with metabolism stimulating herbs and often sugar balancing herbs prepared as a tea to be taken between meals.

Colon cleansing

Maintaining regular bowel movements is extremely important in losing weight and keeping it off.  As a general rule, the bowels should move roughly once for each meal eaten during the previous day.  A herbal colon cleanses uses laxative and purgative herbs with fiber supplements that effective cleans the colon in a matter of days and results in more weight loss.

The importance of detoxification in weight-loss: Hidden toxins can be the cause of a weight loss plateau because your body wants to protect you from having lots of toxicity. So what does it do? It stores toxins in your fat cells to keep them out of the way. This works well right until you start to lose weight. As fat cells are burned, toxins get dumped back into the bloodstream. For someone with a high level of toxicity, this can lead to extreme levels of inflammation.  By lowering your toxic load through proper detoxification, you put yourself in a much better place for continual and safe weight loss.

So if you've spent lots of time going up and down on the scale without true results, maybe it's time to detox. This may help the body overcome some of the issues that have prevented success in the past. But it is important to remember, detox is just a first step.

Liver Detoxification

A herbal liver/gallbladder cleanse optimizes the functioning of the liver by unclogging congested bile and gallstones.  Most importantly, a liver cleanse will significantly improve the ability of the liver to  process triglycerides.  This is the important aspect missing in most weight loss programs because if the liver cannot metabolize triglycerides properly, free fatty acids gets stored in the body and liver instead of being used for metabolism. 

Poor liver function causes weight gain particularly around the waist.

Herbal approach: Generally, cholagogue herbs (those that stimulate liver function and emptying of the gallbladder) are combined with carminative herbs (those that improve digestion and increase absorption) and other supporting herb such as tonic herbs (those detox and remove congestion).  Some herbs need to be taken before meals to stimulate bile and digestion while others are taken after meals.

Boost metabolism!

After the age of 40, most people experience a slowing down due to poor thyroid function, toxicity, congestion, nutritional deficiencies, inflammation, poor digestion, etc. however, the correct therapeutic diet with individually prepared herbal formulas have proven very effective at addressing each of these conditions.  

Herbal teas can quickly boost metabolic activity, improve circulation and stimulate mental and physical activity. 


Intermediate and short water and juice fasts are a very effective way to metabolize body adipose tissue when done at the right time.  To reduce hunger pains and support detoxification during a fast herbal teas will be provided.

 Therapy requires one private consultations plus herbal products. ts.

For appointment details see 

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To get started or discus your health issues with Khabir please submit Online Health Assessment. 


Mr Southwick is available for private consultations in Bulverde TX, Ojai CA & remotely by Zoom worldwide.

Fees and Health Assessment Forms

Call or text (210) 453-5858 for more information.  For general inquiries: email

Notice:  Mr. Southwick & his associates do not offer services or products that diagnose, treat or prevent Covid-19
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The statements found within these pages have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. If a product or treatment is recommended in these pages, it is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information contained herein is meant to be used to educate the reader and is in no way intended to provide individual medical advice. Medical advice must only be obtained from a Medical Doctor.  Complete Disclaimer.  Privacy & Covid19 policy.