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Ayurveda, or ayurvedic medicine, is a holistic tradition of medicine from South Asia, particularly India, that uses a systemic and highly complex model of health, disease and health restoration. For thousands of years, since before written alphabets existed, the peoples and cultures of India have been among the world's most keen observers of nature, accumulating immeasurably vast quantities of knowledge of healing.  The healing modalities and herbal formula of Ayurveda are still effective in modern times and it is my honor to be sharing this wisdom with others and using this ancient health care system to help people overcome chronic health conditions.

"Dr. Khabir a Very kind, knowledgeable experienced doctor . . ."

"Dr. Khabir a Very kind ,knowledgeable experienced doctor that he Does Not work on watching the time when he is with you /his patience.  He is there just for you testing you thoroughly and LISTENING to YOU.

l have been facing multiple health issues over the last few years getting worse and worse I visited him last Saturday due to excruciating pains in various places in my body due to arthritis and a severe cough with non stop he asked his assistance to make me a special tea which l was sipping as directed while continuing with our consultation cough soften no pain in my chest and throat like it was put a protective shield

Have been taking the teas now for six days and every day is better than the day before I SLEEP well like a bird, no more frequent night visits to the bathroom, (was going between 6-8), now Only one, almost pain FREE plus my toes look do much Healthier and Happy as l ever show them for almost a decade with an oil application he gave me MANY THANKS and Blessings to You Dr.Khabir for helping me on my Healing Journey."   Matina Tsolomiti-Snyder, San Antonio TX, Oct. 15th, 2022

"Healing Master"

'Kabir will give you the compassionate attention to detail you need in order to form the precise herbs and diet to order to balance your dosha and return to homeostasis. My results were significant after my first month of following the recommended way of eating and taking the herbs he prescribed.  You will be made whole again as he guides your body into perfect balance. Thank you Kabir" 
Leila Stephens, Ventura CA, Sep. 2021

"master herbalist and ayurvedic guide"

" Khabir is once a very knowledgeable master herbalist and ayurvedic guide but is also a genuinely caring person. The combination is helping me to heal deeply and thoroughly. He checks up on his patients regularly, making sure they get the results they came in for. Highly recommended ". Elissa Kerhauls, Encinco, CA. 

"Khabir has studied extensively in India with Ayurvedic masters"

"Khabir has studied extensively in India with Ayurvedic masters. He understands how to apply their common sense principles and teachings to those of us living in the USA in the 21st century. "  Lanny Kaufer of Herb Walks with Lanny Kaufer, Ojai CA. April 2019

"I'm learning how to achieve and maintain optimal health for myself through the Ayurvedic method and ancient wisdom."

"I've had my initial and follow up appointment and I'm taking the herbs and following the cleanse, and learning how to eat the right foods according to my dosha! Khabir takes the time to listen and give individual insight from the Ayurvedic perspective. So I'm learning how to achieve and maintain optimal health for myself through the Ayurvedic method and ancient wisdom. Much thanks to Khabir for his generosity of spirit and sharing his knowledge with all who seek it!"  Gina Eber, Ojai CA, April 2019

"Khabir Southwick is a fountain of knowledge and health in all things Ayurveda."

"Khabir Southwick is a fountain of knowledge and health in all things Ayurveda. Convinced by family members and western medical professionals that my post nasal drip was simply always going to be, I was desperate to really change my inner environment and get better. With Khabir's herbs and especially his dietary recommendations, I now know how to lessen and sometimes eliminate my post nasal drip."  Marilyn Lauer, San Francisco, CA, April 2019

"I have read about Ayurveda . . .and everyone made it seem so overwhelming and complicated..."

"The main thing I love about Khabir's style is that he makes is SO EASY AND SIMPLE!! I have read about Ayurveda and taken workshops, and everyone made it seem so overwhelming and complicated that I just gave up. He keeps is simple and direct, which I love. If I could get everyone I know to see him, I 100000% would. I can say my life is truly better, my body healthier, and my mind clearer, since I made the choice to Skype with him.  I am eternally grateful, THANK YOU KHABIR!!!!!!"  Kelsey Vireshwara, Minneapolis, MN April 2019

"I found him a very good practitioner of Ayurveda" Dr. Vikram Chauhan

"I went to him in California, and I found him a very good practitioner of Ayurveda with a profound knowledge of Ayurveda and a deep interest in Ayurveda. There are many Ayurveda practitioners who just want to make money. He is one of those practitioners who want to learn more and more, and give more and more to patients." Dr. Vikram Chauhan, Founder – Planet Ayurveda Products, Planet Ayurveda Clinic, and Krishna Herbal Company, Chandigarh, India.

" Thanks so much Khabir for all the time you spend with me and for sharing your knowledge of Ayurveda and herbs..."

" Thanks so much Khabir for all the time you spend with me and for sharing your knowledge of Ayurveda and herbs. I am so glad you make yourself so available to answer questions and to guide me through my recovery. I am glad I found you." Susan Pack, July 2018.

" Your methods and Ayurveda had helped me tremendously in a short amount of time..."

"Thank you Khabir for your wisdom and skill. Your methods and Ayurveda had helped me tremendously in a short amount of time. There's definitely a learning curve for me, but I'm sticking with it and am hopeful about healing, for the first time in a long time." Judy Robertson, July 2018.


Mr Southwick is available for private consultations in Bulverde TX, Ojai CA & remotely by Zoom worldwide.

Fees and Health Assessment Forms

Call or text (210) 453-5858 for more information.  For general inquiries: email

Notice:  Mr. Southwick & his associates do not offer services or products that diagnose, treat or prevent Covid-19
Liability Statement
The statements found within these pages have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. If a product or treatment is recommended in these pages, it is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information contained herein is meant to be used to educate the reader and is in no way intended to provide individual medical advice. Medical advice must only be obtained from a Medical Doctor.  Complete Disclaimer.  Privacy & Covid19 policy.