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There are many causes of weight gain.  The attitude of counting calories, pushing yourself in the gym, and following radical diets may work for one person, and be entirely unsuitable for another person.  Weight gain can be caused by congestion in the liver and colon, emotional eating, poor eating habits, and weak digestion, as well as hormonal imbalances such as menopause or thyroid dysfunctions.  I look holistically at each individual to identify and address the root cause of the weight gain and thus address it with holistic treatment.  Results come quickly once the true causes are eliminated, and with improvements in the diet.

Weight-loss Treatment Details

"Down 51lbs and feeling great...!!!"

“Khabir has saved my life!!! I was depressed, over weight, had really bad inflammation and was pre diabetic. After working with Khabir for only five months I am no longer pre diabetic, I am down 51lbs and for the first time since being diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis 6yrs ago my inflammation levels are in the normal range. I highly recommend working with him! He confirmed for me that food and the right herbs heal all and I’ve never felt better.”

Danielle Palma on June, 2021

"I started the cleanse 6 days ago and have dropped 6 lbs."

"His direct approach, the ability to zero in and apply what he knows to your dosha is seamless. Additionally, he checks in more regularly than anyone I've ever gone to for treatment. I'm more than satisfied. I started the cleanse 6 days ago and have dropped 6 lbs. Insomnia and menopause were two culprits in my weight gain. I'm on a path to wellness that is long overdue thanks to Khabir."  Kimberly Ann Deisler, Santa Barbara, CA.  July, 2020

"I had been suffering from swelling in my body due to thyroid..."

"I had been suffering from swelling in my body due to thyroid and severe allergies for years.  My first appointment was in-depth. Every herbal [product] he recommended started working since day one.  Swelling has gone down and my allergies are almost gone! I highly recommend Khabir!"  Naila Khan, Daly City, CA. Jan 9th 2021

"I've lost 17lbs while using the herbs and tea..."

"I've lost 17lbs while using the herbs and tea...  I have been struggling with losing weight, until listening to one of Khabir's webinars on weight loss. I must say I am seeing progress with my weight loss journey, while using the herbs and teas he has recommended me. I have gotten so many compliments how much weight I lost. Khabir is very knowledgeable on his herbs and it's worth every investment especially to your health. I will continue to go to Khabir with my health needs."   Michelle Sarrys, Philadelphia, PA

My feet were swollen to the point of not letting me walk. [Now], I haven’t had any problems with swelling..."

"After 2 surgeries within 2 months my digestive system was not at its best.  My body was feeling it. My feet were swollen to the point of not letting me walk. When I came to see Khabir Southwick I was at my lowest point in my life. Thank God to his expertise in Ayurveda System he gave me back my life. I am now walking and I haven’t had any problems with swelling or my digestive system.  Thank you Khabir.  May God bless you.  Lucinda Castellanos, Santa Ana, CA. May 2020

Lost 6lbs in three weeks . . . ..

"I am actually losing weight and becoming healthier!!!"

"Dr Khabir sees the whole picture, taking in the history. He understands toxicity and has helped me tremendously detoxing and I am actually losing weight and becoming healthier!!!"  Heidi Lobstein, Los Angeles, April 2019

"Khabir's consultation and herbs were what I needed to lose the weight"

"When I came to see Khabir the first time 5 months ago, I was about 10 pounds heavier.  I was congested, sluggish, constipated, brain fogged and poor memory, sleep deprived due to having to get up all night long to urinate, and I had so many aches and pains throughout my body I was grumpy all the time.   He gave me a tea to drink which instantly relieved my congestion.  I left Khabir's office that first day, only to come back 3 months later a new woman!  Khabir's consultation and herbs were what I needed to lose the weight, get my energy and body back, and have a life again!  He taught me how to eat.  I love the diet he gave me and it turned out to be so good for me.  I even cheated on the diet and still lost weight.  My sleep is so good now.  No more getting up all night to urinate.  No more aches and pains.  Lots of energy.  I have my memory.  I feel 20 years younger like I got myself back!  Do yourself a favor and get a consult with Khabir.  You'll be glad you did!"  Marguerite Deselms, Los Angeles CA, March 2019

"I've even lost 10 pounds since starting the diet and with the herbs!"

"The herbs are amazing.  Literally amazing.  I got them on Thursday at 8am and began immediately and I cannot believe the difference. The colon remedy worked instantly, I am in awe of the power.   My stomach feels so much better, my blood sugar is stabilized in the 120's even after meals and I've even lost 10 pounds since starting the diet and with the herbs.   Can't say thank you enough!."   Christine MacInnes, Glendive. MT, Aug. 2017


"I also lost 20lbs . . ."

"Ghee and honey have helped my dry joints and dry lung cough 100%, along with allergy powder and diet change -- so good! [I also] lost 20lbs, sleep [is better], and my memory is very good. I humbly say to follow what Khabir prescribes 100% and may you get 100% relief, as well." Steve Foster, Ventura CA, May 2017 (via Facebook)

"I have lost about 20kgs of extra weight . .."

 "I had an appointment with Khabir about 3 month ago and I have lost about 20kgs of extra weight, thanks to him of-course and also to the herbs that he gave to me. When I first started the program I didn't think it would be that helpful but I was wrong those herbs will let you know exactly how badly you were treating yourself, it might be hard at first but once you get used to the new lifestyle you will not be able to go back." Kareem Mohamed, Dubai, UAE, March 2017

"Your weight loss-thyroid formula and digestive tea are both working amazingly well..."

"Your weight loss-thyroid formula and digestive tea are both working amazingly well and I am sooo happy with the results. You are a genius!" Kristina McKean, Santa Barbara, CA, January 2017

"to my surprise my weight has come down..."

" I started working with Khabir primarily to stabilize my blood glucose levels. After following his protocol for a few weeks, I had greatly reduced my need for the daily long acting insulin in much lower quantities.  Also to my surprise my weight has come down and my energy has improved. I notice a huge change in how I feel and my friends and family too have noticed and clearly see that I look more healthy and less tired.I have recommended others to see him, especially those who are diabetic." Nila S., Goleta, CA, June 2015

"80 lbs over the last five or six months."

"Thank you Khabir for helping me lose more than 80 lbs over the last five or six months. So many people told me how to lose weight but did not understand me like you. I thought I was eating "good" but you showed me that I was not eating "right". I'm losing weight steadily without much exercise, just walking each night. Now I can see that it was all of your advice and those terrible tasting herbs that did the job. I recommend you to everyone I know who is struggling with weight. I can not thank you enough." Jane Blake, Austin, TX, November 2014

"I've lost 7 pounds that have really stayed off . . "

"I got so much out of working with you on my weight loss . I don't always do it right, but when I do, I get results. I've lost 7 pounds that have really stayed off, and I have a much better relationship with food and food-based supplements and herbs. Thank you!" Julie Christensen, Ojai, CA, May 2013

". . have lost twenty eight pounds."

"I have incorporated his diet plan into my life, and have lost twenty eight pounds. I feel more energetic and have a more positive outlook on life. Khabir is both knowledgeable and professional. Anyone looking for a healthier lifestyle and an alternative to western medicine can benefit from his advice." Jeff Hoffman, Oak View, CA, April 2013

"I have already lost over 25 lbs."

"I have battled with losing weight my whole life and have tried so many different approaches to weight loss. After the cleansing, I was getting full easier when I ate, I had more energy after I ate, I was not hungry between meals and best of all my weight was just going down each week. I think this year I will hit my goal of losing 30 lbs more as I have already lost over 25 lbs. Thanks again, and I look forward to doing more cleanses with you this year as I understand the value in them." Mitch Lee, Santa Barbara, CA, January 2013

". . lost 23 pounds since I last saw you."

"I have been following your advise and have lost 23 pounds since I last saw you." Jeff Hoffman, Oak View, CA, January 2013

"[I] had much difficulty losing weight . . . "

"It is accurate to say that my life, in terms of my eating habits, has changed dramatically as a result of my recent (Sept-Oct. 2011) meetings with Khabir. As a 64 year old woman I thought I was a healthy eater, but had much difficulty losing weight and sleeping through the night (yeah menopause). This has all changed since I started following the Ayurvedic guidelines. I can now, sleep through the night, on most nights, without taking medication. Thanks Khabir for your guidance, support, enthusiasm and shared knowledge of nutrition, you have changed my life for the better." Rose Marie Pronovost, Ojai, CA, November 2011

"I've lost 30 lbs."

"I have been working with Khabir since April and I have had some amazing improvements to my health. I have less pain in my body, my knees are feeling better and I've lost 30 lbs. I have found that his  knowledge and support have been just what I needed." River, Ojai, CA, June 2011

"I've lost another lb. 6 lbs. . ."

"I've lost another lb. 6 lbs total, pretty good for just a diet change." Emily Burger, Ojai, CA, May 2011

"I’m losing weight and am clear about what I have to do to keep losing weight."

"I was skeptical at first, however, Khabir has proved to be very effective in helping me improve my diet and my overall health. I’m losing weight and am clear about what I have to do to keep losing weight. It is just so incredible that changing my diet and taking Khabir’s herbal supplements could help my conditions so quickly and without vitamins. I cannot thank you enough Khabir ." James Blake, Los Angeles, CA, April 2011

"I dropped two pounds in two days."

"The dietary suggestions have been very helpful as well. I dropped two pounds in two days. maybe there was a lot of salt retention in there, but in any case it is pretty good. Thanks for your help with all this dietary changes that is being very useful." Tara Blasco, Ojai, CA, April 2011

"[my husband] already lost 2" on his waistline. . . "

"My husband came along for this journey and I cannot tell you how happy I am for him.  He has done a complete change in his diet - he's already lost 2" on his waistline.  This all happened after Khabir spoke with him for a few hours.  Thank you, Khabir, for the knowledge and wisdom and for helping us help ourselves." Lily Maravilla, Los Angeles, CA March 2010


Mr Southwick is available for private consultations in Bulverde TX, Ojai CA & remotely by Zoom worldwide.

Fees and Health Assessment Forms

Call or text (210) 453-5858 for more information.  For general inquiries: email

Notice:  Mr. Southwick & his associates do not offer services or products that diagnose, treat or prevent Covid-19
Liability Statement
The statements found within these pages have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. If a product or treatment is recommended in these pages, it is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information contained herein is meant to be used to educate the reader and is in no way intended to provide individual medical advice. Medical advice must only be obtained from a Medical Doctor.  Complete Disclaimer.  Privacy & Covid19 policy.