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Naturopathic Healthcare Services  

Naturopathy, or naturopathic medicine, is a form of alternative health-care that favors a holistic approach with non-invasive treatments and generally avoids the use of surgery and drugs.

A traditional naturopath specializes in wellness. That is to say, teaching clients how an application of a natural lifestyle will facilitate the body's own natural healing and health building potential. The traditional naturopath does not undertake to "diagnose" or "treat diseases," but rather recognizes that the majority of sub-health conditions are cumulative lifestyle effects, and that the underlying cause of what we call "disease" (or, "dis-ease") is improper diet, unhealthy habits, and external environmental factors which cause biological imbalances leading to a weakening of the bodies' natural defenses and subsequent breakdown in health.  (The practice of Traditional Naturopathy is not considered the practice of medicine and is currently legal in all 50 states.)

Personally, I have been influenced by the teachings of Dr. Henry Lindlahr, Dr. John Christopher, Dr. Bernard Jensen and Dr. Richard Schutze and well as herbalist such as Rosemary Gladstar, James Green and Michael Tierra. In any case, when I utilize "western" treatments I individualize them based on Ayurveda principles.

"Naturopathy is a philosophy which encompasses a view of life, a model for living a full life. The word naturopathy is a Latin-Greek hybrid which can be defined as 'being close to or benefiting from nature.'" — Stewart Mitchell, Naturopathy: Understanding the Healing Power of Nature


  • Nutritional counseling and meal planning
  • Whole-food supplementation
  • Western herbal medicines
  • Home remedies
  • Therapeutic oil treatments
  • Therapeutic skin care

"The art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician. Therefore, the physician must come from nature, with an open mind. - Paracelsus (1491 - 1541)

The traditional naturopath's role is to create an environment of support that encourages the body's inherent ability to establish, maintain and restore whole health through assisting in removing obstacles and providing support for the creation of energetic equilibrium known as homeostasis.

How it works . . .

Understand your health

Initially, with health assessment questionnaires and other assessing methods, I will thoroughly evaluate your health condition, learn about your health history, understand your digestive system and determine your constitution-type [Ayurveda Dosha].   At each session where applicable, I will monitor as needed your body fat %, pH balance, blood pressure, blood sugar level, nutritional state and other indicators such as appetite, bowel movements, sleep state and energy levels throughout the day.

By journaling your dietary and lifestyle habits, I can further determine the nutritional value of your current diet.  With a deep and broad understanding of your health condition and nutritional needs, I can do proper meal planning with very specific guidelines.  With a clear understanding of both your health concerns and individuality, I can safely provide suitable herbal products as well as Naturopathic or Ayurvedic therapies.

Provide you with everything you need.

I do the footwork for you so you can concentrate on achieving the necessary tasks.  I will work with you to create menus of satisfying meals and a supplementation schedule that will give your body what it needs nutritionally. I know the "tricks" and have many helpful tools to make progress easy too.  I will provide teas for better sleep, digestion, energy, weight loss, allergies, inflammation, constipation, hormonal balance and more as needed.

I will recommend natural therapies that are appropriate for your health conditions, lifestyle and situation. These restorative methods may include nutrition counseling, cooking and meal planning, herbal remedies, body work or massage, detoxification, and other natural treatments.  In the long-term, however, my goal is to empower you to care for yourself.

Implement your health goals into your life.

Any plan, no matter how impressive or well designed, isn't worth much to you until you really follow through with it. To further support your path to restored health, I will make recommendations for whole-food supplements, superfoods, skin/hair/body products and products like juicers and air-filters.  If necessary, I will take you shopping, help you cook and plan meals, assist in cleaning out your kitchen cupboards and even speak with other family members.

Stay with you every step of the way.

No matter how important these changes can be to your health, we all know how difficult it is to stick with new habits especially dietary ones.  Modern life is stressful and fast-paced with responsibilities and time constraints so its easy to feel the urge to cut corners or fall back into old habits.  So I will communicate with you on a regular basis, monitor your progress and help keep you on track. As your partner, I will help you integrate your new habits into your life in a way that works for you and is still effective.


Individual / Phone Consultations

A consultation generally lasts for 60 to 90 minutes, depending upon your health needs. I employ observation, questioning and touch to understand the current state of health. I also include an assessment of your [Ayurvedic] body-type (Prakriti) and examine your hair, nails, teeth, eyes, pulse and skin for indications of specific health issues and imbalances.  Then step at a time,  I provide detailed dietary guidelines with individualized meal plans, lifestyle recommendations, home-remedies, herbal formulas and wholefood supplements as needed.

For details see: Fees & Online Health Assessment Forms.

Khabir Southwick, T.N., M.H., N.T., C.A.S., A.P., A.H.P., P.A.C.E. Provider

Traditional Naturopath (TN), Master Herbalist (MH), Nutritional Therapist (NT), Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist (CAS), [Registered] Ayurvedic Practitioner (AP), [Registered] Ayurvedic Herbal Pharmacist (AHP), [Registered] Professional Ayurvedic Continuing Education (PACE) Provider

Member of: Association of Ayurvedic Professionals of North America (AAPNA), American Herbalist Guild (AHG), Ayurvedic Institute, Ayurveda Association of Canada (AAC), National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA)



Taking the first step is simple.

(210) 453-5858


Recent Testimonials

  • ". . . in just a few short weeks I am already seeing significant changes in ALL areas!"

    "I was so fortunate to find Dr. Khabir and even better yet that his office is only minutes from my new home. Moving to a new state created a lot of stress on my system - some I didn't even realized until after we talked. Khabir was just a joy to speak with, he asked me questions I had never thought about. And he started working in an area of concern that I thought was the lowest concern but figured I would go with it anyway as I knew I was out of balance. I have taken the right herbs, along with the Ayurvedic diet changes and in just a few short weeks I am already seeing significant changes in ALL areas! I am so grateful to have the opportunity to work with Dr. Khabir and benefit from his vast knowledge of Ayurvedic diet, lifestyle and herbal influences."  Karen Romine, San Antonio TX, 2022

  • "Very kind ,knowledgeable experienced doctor"

    "Dr.Khabir is a Very kind, knowledgeable experienced doctor that he Does Not work on watching the time when he is with you /his patience. He is there just for you testing you thoroughly and LISTENING to YOU.  l have been facing multiple health issues over the last few years getting worse and worse I visited him last Saturday due to excruciating pains in various places in my body due to arthritis and a severe cough with non stop. He asked his assistance to make me a special tea which l was sipping as directed while continuing with our consultation cough soften no pain in my chest and throat like it was put a protective shield Have been taking the teas now for six days and every day is better than the day before I SLEEP well like a bird ,no more frequent night visits to the bathroom,(was going between 6-8), now Only one.  Almost pain FREE!  MANY THANKS and Blessings to You Dr.Khabir for helping me on my Healing Journey so l can Finally Really enjoy Life…!!! ❣️.  Matina Tsolomiti-Snyder,...

  • "Expert Doctor"

    "Kabir took a thorough look at my symptoms and provided me with the right herbs and Ayurvedic dieta. I learned a lot about myself and what I should be eating. After following through with the plan Kabir set for me, I was healed in less than two weeks. Now I have more energy and I feel great. Not only did I get a comprehensive consultation, but Kabir made me laugh. Kabir is knowledgeable on what your body needs at that right moment in time. This was by far the best experience I have ever felt with a doctor ever!"  Kristel Sans, Austin TX, March, 2022

  • " Thank you . . . for help[ing] me gain better health and heal my skin."

    "I wanted to thank you for all your help and wonderful products you have created, as I have been feeling better than I have for a long time and my skin has cleared up. You are extremely skilled and an expert in herbs. You have given me lots of great advice, as well as guidance on diet, herbs, and overall important aspects of my life to work on to help me gain better health and heal my skin. It's great to have nice skin again!!!!!  Thank you so much!!!" Sally Mitchell. Rigby, ID, Nov. 2021

  • "Healing Master"

    'Kabir will give you the compassionate attention to detail you need in order to form the precise herbs and diet to order to balance your dosha and return to homeostasis. My results were significant after my first month of following the recommended way of eating and taking the herbs he prescribed. I would highly recommend Kabir as an alternative to Allopathic medicine which offers only drugs and surgery. You will be made whole again as he guides your body into perfect balance. Thank you Kabir"  Leila Stephens, Ventura Ca, Sep. 2021

  • "Khabir is such a nice man and I feel he truly cares about his patients"

    "I recently went for my first visit to Khabir's Health Clinic due to a variety of ailments I have been suffering with for years. I love the fact that I did not have to wait to see him, as I do with other health care professionals. I walked in at my appointment time and that is when our appointment started.   Khabir is such a nice man and I feel he truly cares about his patients and their results, and he is also very knowledgeable!    His staff was great and very helpful.  I was given a variety of herbs to take and a diet plan that is specifically geared toward helping with the ailments I suffer from.   I just started with my plan a week ago so it is still early but I feel very hopeful that this plan will work for me. I have lost a couple of LBS and I have a bit more energy. I encourage more people to look into this type of treatment as they aspire to treat your body and mind, and they take your lifestyle into consideration."    Linda Huyler, Oxnard, CA. Sep. 2021

  • “Khabir has saved my life!!!... I highly recommend working with him!

    “Khabir has saved my life!!! I was depressed, over weight, had really bad inflammation and was pre diabetic. After working with Khabir for only five months I am no longer pre diabetic, I am down 51lbs and for the first time since being diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis 6yrs ago my inflammation levels are in the normal range. I highly recommend working with him! He confirmed for me that food and the right herbs heal all and I’ve never felt better.” Danielle Palma on June, 2021


Mr Southwick is available for private consultations in Bulverde TX, Ojai CA & remotely by Zoom worldwide.

Fees and Health Assessment Forms

Call or text (210) 453-5858 for more information.  For general inquiries: email

Notice:  Mr. Southwick & his associates do not offer services or products that diagnose, treat or prevent Covid-19
Liability Statement
The statements found within these pages have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. If a product or treatment is recommended in these pages, it is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information contained herein is meant to be used to educate the reader and is in no way intended to provide individual medical advice. Medical advice must only be obtained from a Medical Doctor.  Complete Disclaimer.  Privacy & Covid19 policy.


Contact Info

Office Location:

30880 Setting Sun Dr, Bulverde, TX 78163 (by appointment)

Contact Info:

Office: (210) 453-5858


© 2009-2023 Khabir Southwick